Sharepoint disable drag and drop

In some scenarios we might need to disabled drag and drop in SharePoint sites.

The following code works when we need to disable a page with one document view.

Add the html code in content editor web part where the document view is there.

<style type="text/css">
    /*-- Hide Drag & Drop --*/ {
        caption-side: bottom;
        display: none !important;

<script type="text/javascript">
    /*-- Stop Drag & Drop --*/
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function() {
        g_uploadType = DragDropMode.NOTSUPPORTED;
        SPDragDropManager.DragDropMode = DragDropMode.NOTSUPPORTED; = "none";
    }, "DragDrop.js");

For pages with multiple document libraries when you want to target a specific library prepend the id of the web part div and an underscore e.g. WebPartWPQ4_

#WebPartWPQ4_ms-dnd-dropbox{ display: none !important; }
