DPReview Studio Shot Camera Comparision Configurator

Yesterday I posted about the DPReview’s “Studio Shot Comparison Tool“. Today I am posting a user friendly configurator tool.


  1. Primary Camera selection
  2. Automatic selection of slots based on numbe.r of camera’s selected.
  3. Pure jQuery hence very fast.

View it at http://apps.binarybits.net/dprtool/

For any issues or feature requests go to http://contact.binarybits.net and choose the section “DPReview Studio Shot Comparison Tool Configurator”

DPReview Studio Shot Comparison Tool

When we go through a camera review at dpreview.com, one of the useful feature is the Studio Shot Comparison Tool.
After bit of messing around with their tool I found out the perfect link with which you will be able to compare various cameras.

By default the below tool allows to compare 4 cameras. But by editing the URL’s “slotsCount” parameter you can compare more cameras.

DPReview Studio Shot Comparison Tool

Modifying the sensitivity of S-Pen

Recently I bought Samsung Galaxy Note II and found out that there was a problem. The S-Pen was not recognized at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The Samsung service centre said, this is a problem with S-Pen and they would replace it. Unfortunately since stocks were not available I was requested to come later.

Meanwhile I came across a post at Phandroid and it worked great for me.

The following is what I did.

Open the S-Pen’s click button (at green highlighted part in the below image) using a razor or small screw driver (just be careful not to break it) and then adjust a potentiometer (red highlighted part).

Turn clockwise to decrease sensitivity and counter-clockwise to increase the sensitivity.

I had to turn counter-clockwise by 0.5 mm and it’s perfect now.

Bringing Window to front in WPF

Recently I was working on WPF application where the Window would be minimized to tray and when user click’s the tray icon, the window has to show up in front of other windows.

I tried lot many variants and had trouble with Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2. The following code finally worked for me.

Note: This code was present in the Window which was supposed to be controlled. If required replace “this” with actual reference of the Window.

if (!this.IsVisible)
this.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;
this.Topmost = true;
this.Topmost = false;

Windows 8 Treasure Hunt – The Series

Windows 8 Pro has been like a treasure hunt to me. On regular use I find some interesting things which I didn’t knew they existed.

I am going to list the features I like most whenever I encounter them and list them here.

Note: Windows® is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies

Launching Windows control panel from run or command line

With Window 8 Pro ditching the start menu Nope, people have to resort to the multiple steps to launch control panel.

If you are in desktop mode all you need to do to launch control panel is, do the following.

  1. Press Windows Key + R to launch “Run” dialog
  2. Type “control” and hit enter

There… the control panel is launched Happy

Setting password for Managed Account

Password for Managed Account in SharePoint 2010 can be set in the following ways.

Set a new password for Managed Account

#If there is only one managed account, the following line could be written as: 
#$inputManagedAcct = Get-SPManagedAccount

$inputManagedAcct = Read-Host "Enter managed account as Domain\User"

#Input the desired new password
$inputPasswd = Read-Host "Enter new password for managed account" –AsSecureString 

#Change the password for the managed account to the new value Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity $inputManagedAcct -NewPassword $inputPasswd

To update the account password to a new automatically generated value, from the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following:

Set-SPManagedAccount –Identity domain\user -AutoGeneratePassword $true

Update the password for a Managed Account that has already been reset through Active Directory

If the password for a managed service account has been manually changed outside of SharePoint (such as directly in Active Directory), you can update the password to the new value in SharePoint 2010 as follows

#If there is only one managed account, the following line could be written as: 
#$inputManagedAcct = Get-SPManagedAccount

$inputManagedAcct = Read-Host "Enter managed account as Domain\User:" 
#Input the Managed Account $inputPasswd = Read-Host "Enter password from Active Directory for managed account:" –AsSecureString 

#Change the password in SharePoint for the managed account to the new value 
Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity $inputManagedAcct -ExistingPassword $inputPasswd –UseExistingPassword $true

To update the account password to a already changed password, from the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following:

Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity domain\user -UseExistingPassword

For more information look at http://blogs.technet.com/b/seanearp/archive/2011/01/25/updating-passwords-on-sharepoint-2010.aspx