Dish & Cable Channel Planner for India

TRAI has changed the rule for dish and cable channel tariffs so that consumer has the option of choosing channels which they view instead of the service providers forcing to choose the bundle.

The following excel will help you in planning.
You can click on “view full size workbook” button at the bottom right of the embedded excel or view the excel in full view at

  1. Go to “List of channels” sheet.
  2. Set values in column “Selection Order” as 1 or 2 or 3 etc. per channel based on your viewing priority.
  3. Go to “Pivot” sheet.
  4. Right click in the table area and press refresh.
  5. In “Selection Order” choose 1 and/or 2 and/or 3 instead of “All” based on your viewing priority.
  6. Scroll down and view the “Grand Total” to know the total price.

For latest pricing visit

EDIT: I just found out that TRAI itself has an web app which helps in determining the price using various choices. I urge you to visit the site and don’t forget to click that “Optimize” button at the top of the final pricing page.

Alternatives to “You are Welcome”

In my many years of IT service, one of the constant response I get from my customers are the “Thank You” note . Generally we respond back to them by writing “You are welcome”. But there are other few ways we can respond as well.


  1. My pleasure
  2. I’m happy to help
  3. Anytime
  4. Don’t mention it


  1. You got it
  2. No worries
  3. Not a problem
  4. It was nothing
  5. Sure

Get folder and files recursively in SharePoint using REST call

There was a simple requirement I came across for which a page should list all the files and folders in a SharePoint document library.

I came up with a solution using ODATA call. Following is the REST call I made to get the list of all folder and files.

/_api/web/Lists/GetByTitle(‘Documents’)/Items?$select=FileLeafRef,FileRef&$orderby=FileRef asc

Following is the code which quickly prints them out in a table. Just add this code to a script editor web-part.
Please make sure the URL is updated based on your site URL.

<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        url: "<site url>/_api/web/Lists/GetByTitle('Documents')/Items?$select=FileLeafRef,FileRef&$orderby=FileRef asc",
        type: "GET",
        headers: {
            "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
        success: function (data, textStatus, xhr)
            $.each(data.d.results, function (index, item)
                // alert("The items in list are : " + item.FileRef);
                $("#table1 tbody").append("<tr><td>" + item.FileRef + "</td></tr>");
        error: function r(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown)
            alert("error:" + JSON.stringify(xhr));

<table id="table1">

Enable tree view in current navigation within SharePoint

Sometime we need to enable tree view in current navigation to help navigate within document libraries.

Traditional Way:

Site Settings -> Look and Feel: Navigation Elements -> Check ‘Enable Tree View’

Programmatic way using PnP Powershell:

try {
    $web = Get-PnPWeb -Includes TreeViewEnabled
    Write-Host "Setting options to enable tree view..."
    $web.TreeViewEnabled = $true        
    Write-Host "Completed."
catch {
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    Write-Host "Error enabling tree view. $ErrorMessage"

Disable ‘Allow items from this site to be downloaded to offline clients’ in SharePoint

Sometime we need to disable the “Sync” button in SharePoint document libraries and that can be done by the following methods.

Traditional Way:

Site Settings -> Search: Search and offline availability -> Set ‘Allow items from this site to be downloaded to offline clients?’ to “No”

Programmatic way using PnP Powershell:

try {
    $web = Get-PnPWeb -Includes ExcludeFromOfflineClient
    Write-Host "Setting options to disable 'Allow items from this site to be downloaded to offline clients'..."
    $web.ExcludeFromOfflineClient = $true        
    Write-Host "Completed."
catch {
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    Write-Host "Error disabling offline clients. $ErrorMessage"

Sharepoint disable drag and drop

In some scenarios we might need to disabled drag and drop in SharePoint sites.

The following code works when we need to disable a page with one document view.

Add the html code in content editor web part where the document view is there.

<style type="text/css">
    /*-- Hide Drag & Drop --*/ {
        caption-side: bottom;
        display: none !important;

<script type="text/javascript">
    /*-- Stop Drag & Drop --*/
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function() {
        g_uploadType = DragDropMode.NOTSUPPORTED;
        SPDragDropManager.DragDropMode = DragDropMode.NOTSUPPORTED; = "none";
    }, "DragDrop.js");

For pages with multiple document libraries when you want to target a specific library prepend the id of the web part div and an underscore e.g. WebPartWPQ4_

#WebPartWPQ4_ms-dnd-dropbox{ display: none !important; }


Open SharePoint Office documents in modal dialog

Sometimes we need Microsoft Office documents to be opened in dialogs instead of SharePoint’s default behavior which is opening the document in the same window or tab.

The following code helps in implementing this.

Note: This code only works for office documents. For pdf documents look at the previous article.

<!-- Put this code below the list view web part -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
    $hrefVal = $("a[onclick*='return DispEx'][target!='_blank']").attr("href");
    $siteUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;

    $("a[onclick*='return DispEx'][target!='_blank']")
        .attr("href", "javascript:OpenDocumentInDialogue(\"" + $siteUrl + "/_layouts/WopiFrame.aspx?action=default&sourcedoc=" + $hrefVal + "\")");

    function OpenDocumentInDialogue(href) {
        var o;
        $("body").append("<div id='docTemp' style='min-height:600px;min-width:800px;height:100%;overflow:hidden'><object data='" + href + "' width='100%' height='100%'></object></div>");
        o = {};
        o.html = $("#docTemp")[0];
        o.showMaximized = true;
        o.title = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        o.dialogReturnValueCallback = OpenDocumentinDlgCallback;

    function OpenDocumentinDlgCallback() {
        // do something here when the dialog closes


Open SharePoint PDF documents in modal dialog

Sometimes we need PDF documents to be opened in dialogs instead of SharePoint’s default behavior which is opening the document in the same window or tab.

The following code helps in implementing this.

Note: This code only works for PDF documents. For office documents look at the next article.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("a[href$='.pdf']").each(function() {
        $(this).removeAttr("onclick").attr("href", "javascript:OpenDocumentInDialogue(\"" + this.href + "\")");

    function OpenDocumentInDialogue(href) {
        var o;
        $("body").append("<div id='docTemp' style='min-height:600px;min-width:800px;height:100%;overflow:hidden'><object data='" + href + "' width='100%' height='100%' type='application/pdf' ></object></div>");
        o = {};
        o.html = $("#docTemp")[0];
        o.showMaximized = true;
        o.title = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        o.dialogReturnValueCallback = OpenDocumentInDialogueCallback;

    function OpenDocumentInDialogueCallback() {
        // Do something here when the dialog closes