Using SharePoint 2010’s OOB search result to search in a particular library

There was a requirement to have a search text box and a button in landing page and show OOB search result from a single document library.

After doing some analysis on OOB search the following is the code which we came up with.

The technique is use the query string with query items “k=query”, “cs=This List” & “u=list’s absolute url”. Underlined items are the items which change dynamically.

http://server/sites/site/_layouts/OSSSearchResults.aspx?k=MyQuery&cs=This List&u=http://server/sites/site/MyLibrary

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function Search() {
            var libraryName = 'Library'; //Library Name            
            var url = window.location.protocol + "//" + + _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl; //http://server/sites/<sitecollection> orhttp://server/sites/<sitecollection>/site
            var searchUrl = url + '/_layouts/OSSSearchResults.aspx';

            var queryText = document.getElementById('querybox').value;
            var queryUrl = searchUrl + '?k=' + queryText + '&cs=This List&u=' + url + '/' + libraryName; //http://server/sites/<sitecollection>/_layouts/OSSSearchResults.aspx?k=<Query from input box>&cs=This List&u=http://server/sites/<site>/<Library Name>

    <input id="querybox" name="querybox" />
    <input onclick="Search()" name="SearchInLibrary" value="Search In Adapter Document Library" type="button" />