Logon attempt failed for remote desktop Windows 10

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  • My remote PC is a Windows 10 Pro v1809.
  • The remote PC Windows user is an Office 365 user.
  • I’m trying to login to my remote PC and I get the error “Logon attempt failed”.
  • The following are the various user IDs I tried and none of them worked.
    • user@domain.com
    • AzureAD\user@domain.com
    • AzureAD\user
The logon attempt failed


  1. Save an RDP connection as file with parameters like name of the PC.
  2. Open the RDP file using a text editor like notepad.
  3. Modify the entry “authentication level” to “authentication level:i:0”
    1. Make sure the “Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication” is unchecked in the remote machine’s settings.
  4. Add the entry “enablecredsspsupport:i:0”.
  5. Now save the file.
  6. Run the RDP file and it should connect to remote machine and show you the login screen of the remote machine
  7. Type in the username as AzureAD\user@domain.com
  8. Password as login password and not the Windows PIN.
  9. Now you should be able to login.

Refer here for more information.

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