Disable ‘Allow items from this site to be downloaded to offline clients’ in SharePoint
Sometime we need to disable the “Sync” button in SharePoint document libraries and that can be done by the following methods.
Traditional Way:
Site Settings -> Search: Search and offline availability -> Set ‘Allow items from this site to be downloaded to offline clients?’ to “No”
Programmatic way using PnP Powershell:
try { $web = Get-PnPWeb -Includes ExcludeFromOfflineClient Write-Host "Setting options to disable 'Allow items from this site to be downloaded to offline clients'..." $web.ExcludeFromOfflineClient = $true $web.Update() Invoke-PnPQuery Write-Host "Completed." } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host "Error disabling offline clients. $ErrorMessage" }